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King’s Daughters Heart Failure Clinic Prestonsburg

  • Category: Specialty Care

About This Location

King's Daughters Heart Failure Clinics help patients (and their families) more successfully manage heart failure, reduce trips to the Emergency Department, and avoid hospitalizations. Providers at this location Our Heart Failure team consists of experienced cardiac nurse practitioners who specialize in treating patients with Heart Failure. The Clinics are under the direction of structural/interventional cardiologist Sandeep Krishnan, M.D. Services at this location

Our services include:

  • Medication management. We help ensure patients are taking the right medications, in the right amounts, at the right times based upon lab results, daily weights and activity levels
  • Laboratory testing. We draw patient labs in our offices and make adjustments to the treatment regimen based upon results in real time.
  • IV diuretic therapy: Patients who are retaining too much fluid may receive IV diuretics in our offices to help them return to the appropriate fluid balance.
  • Patient and family education.
  • Referrals to other needed services, such as home medical equipment or sleep studies.
  • Telehealth services.
  • CardioMEMS for monitoring pulmonary blood pressure (an important measure of worsening heart failure)
  • Same-Day Access at our locations in Ashland, Russell, Prestonsburg and Portsmouth